Loading Access

Click the Start Button located on the lower left-hand corner of your screen.

Click Programs

Click Microsoft Access

    After a few seconds, the first Access window will appear on your screen.

At this point, Access gives you a choice. You can create a new or "blank" database, or open an existing database. In the last lesson, we opened an existing database. In this lesson we will create a blank database.

Click Blank Database


    Access displays the "File New Database" window.

Type "Store" in the "File Name" box

If the Software folder is showing in the "Save in:" Window Click


    Click Up One Level button

      The C: (or appropriate drive) should appear in the "Save in:" Window . If not, continue to click the Up One Level button until it appears.

    Double-click on the Sofsource folder

    Double-click on the Software folder

After a few seconds, Access displays the database window.

    Note that the title bar has the name of your new database, "Store"

    Note that only the button is active. Why? Because there are no objects in your Store database. At this point the only task you can do is create new objects.

You are now ready to begin starting your database.

Now you try it!